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We Believe

Good people are great for business

Good people are great for business.

Quite simply, organisations that take developing talent seriously become more successful and more profitable.

But the implementation of that strategy must start at the top: in the highest ranked companies studied, improving the strength of the talent pool is among the top three priorities of senior leaders.

If you want to become more successful – and, let’s face it, you wouldn’t be here if you didn’t – focus on training and developing your managers, measuring their performance, and delivering credible, honest, performance-based feedback.

If you’ve got this far, you know we’re the people to help you do that. Let’s chat.

"Only 7% of UK senior leaders think that their companies have enough talented managers to maintain investor confidence and pursue promising opportunities!"


We work with your human resources and management teams to scope, design and implement a simple development framework and culture that works for your business, and reflects world-class standards of employee engagement and development.

We’ll help you motivate and inspire your people, and equip them with the skills they need to get real results for your business.


Our approach has been shaped by over 25 years’ experience in manufacturing, consulting and operations management. We’re influenced – but not driven – by Lean and 6-Sigma approaches to management and organisation development.


We think managers need to be skilled in four crucial areas of life and work if they are to deliver real change in the workplace



  • Leaders and their teams are continually inspired, energised and encouraged to address critical issues for stakeholders.

  • They understand the vision and operational priorities of the business.

  • They can communicate these goals and priorities effectively to their team.

  • They regularly monitor implementation and effective performance.


  • There is a formalised system of activities, behaviours and processes in place to sustain progress, improvement and competitive advantage.

  • Appraisals, performance management, HR issues, and team meetings are conducted in a methodical, rigorous and meaningful manner.

  • Every employee is supported and encouraged to work towards performance, development and strategic goals.


  • All employees maintain the activities, behaviours and processes of the organisation’s structured approach.

  • Managers consistently support and follow company rules, processes and procedures, across all areas of the business.

  • Managers seek to improve these rules, processes and procedures if they become outdated or inadequate in any way.


  • Managers take responsibility for all areas of their management role.

  • All employees are encouraged and enabled to see their performance at work as a direct extension of themselves.

  • Managers actively listen to their teams, and share their thoughts, opinions and ideas with senior leadership.


We've been helping great businesses sell their ideas, products and services for over 25 years. How can we help you?



We are 'The Message Business'

for a reason. Shaping, sharpening and super-charging your ideas, words, pitches and presentations is what gets out of bed in the mornings.

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